Global issues Iran Israel June 2009 UK Video


In the current riot videos on this site and available on the web it is clear that some elements of protesters in Iran are acting violently. For example in the death of Iranians by the Basij office it is clear that one person sets the building on fire,another screams “they ran out of bullets attack the building” and someone else in the background throws a gasoline bomb at the Basij office. The Baisj and the military are Iranians also. This is not how Iran won the last regime change under the Shah. Iranians for the most part are peaceful protesters from what I have seen. In every video that folks are throwing rocks it is also clear a number of folks that stand in between the rock throwers and the police to stop the violence.

I do believe that the folks in the west are instigating violence in Iran. The Mojahedeen are a terrorist organization they should have no access to satellite, camps etc. This is wrong and must be stopped. It is also imperative to follow the leader in this case Mr. Mousavi’s call to non violent protests. Riots and protests only serve the hawks and the Neo-Conservatives in the states and Israel. Iranians should not show any violence towards the police in these demonstrations. Otherwise the number of dead and injured will only increase and the government will only respond with guns and more gruesome violence. Civil disobedience like the yelling on roof tops, strikes by the unions of bus workers and similar action would be much less costly and much more effective. Please convey the message of non-violent protests that the leader of the protesters Mr. Mousavi is asking for.  We do not want any more Iranian blood spilled.

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